Green Power

Green Power:

Wave Group has established power co generation facilities at its sugar units in Dhanaura, Uttar Pradesh and Dasuya, Punjab. The cogeneration plants generate Green Power using 'bagasse'-a residue from the cane sugar manufacturing process. Green Power thus produced is used for the captive consumption of the sugar plant and the excess power is exported to the state grid as per the power purchase agreement.

Power co generation facilities substitute the power generated by conventional fossil fuels like coal, diesel/oil, natural gas, amongst others and helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions and conserve finite fossil fuels. The Group also plans to install co generation facilities at all its sugar manufacturing plants.

Green Power is the energy that can be extracted, generated, and/or consumed without any significant negative impact on the environment. The planet has a natural capability to recover which means pollution level that does not go beyond the limit, can still be termed green.

Green power is electricity that is generated from resources such as solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and low-impact hydro facilities. Conventional electricity generation, based on the combustion of fossil fuels, is the nation's single largest industrial source of air pollution. The increasing availability of green power enables electricity customers to accelerate installation of renewable energy technologies.

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